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How to wear the oversize shirt?

How to wear the oversize shirt? The trend of recent years The oversize shirt…

la veste matelassée : must-have du printemps 2023

The quilted jacket: a must-have of spring 2023

The quilted jacket: a must-have of spring 2023 After the aviator jacket or the…

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Find Actuelle on TF1

Actuelle is now on TF1 If you are a fan of the series Demain Nous Appartient on…

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5 outfit ideas for a smooth return to school

Back to school is coming for everyone: children are going back to school, and…

5 idées de tenues pour l'automne / photo paysage mannequin blonde de 3/4 avec robe bleue imprimé craquelé

5 outfit ideas for fall

Fall is here and it's here! The temperatures have dropped, it's the perfect…

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How to care for your Actuelle clothes?

Now that we value quality over quantity, it's important to know how to take…